Phones+57(1) 4768000 - +57(1) 7450140
LocationCra 73 No. 74-54, Bogotá, COL
ScheduleMon - Fri: 07:30 - 17:00


We are a company focused on providing logistics and cargo solutions tailored for different industries.


International cargo agent with DIAN resolution number 006537

Cipelog S.A.S, is a company created in February 2011 that has shown great development and sustainable growth over the years in the provision of handling and logistics services for international cargo transport.

Once established, Cipelog begins operations at the beginning of March 2011, providing its clients with all logistics services in air, sea, land and combined transport, both import and export.

Our logistic concepts are based on:

  • Being a single logistics partner
  • Have a single responsibility
  • Reduce operating costs
  • Optimize the benefit load
  • Total coverage throughout the logistics chain
  • Control the times
  • Comprehensive advice in the supply chain


To offer national and international logistics services with high standards of kindness, responsibility, and respect towards customers, business partners, and competitors.

Our aim is to build credibility, profitability, and sustainability for the organization, benefiting both our team of collaborators and the broader working community.


To position Cipelog S.A.S as a safe and transparent integrated logistics company that does things right, in the right way. 

Integral service

Our service is focused on the integral management of cargo throughout the logistics chain. For this purpose we provide an executive responsible for generating the information link between our client and Cipelog S.A.S, constantly updating the information of all import and export processes.

We put at your disposal highly qualified personnel in the integral logistics service in order to make a permanent accompaniment in the areas of information with the outside, control and handling of cargo and documentation at origin and destination.

We have offices in the United States, Mexico, Panama, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, France, China, Taiwan, Japan, India.

We are a company dedicated to consolidate the procedures of international cargo logistics, we have grown collectively with a human team of high professional quality and great trajectory, we provide logistic services with the highest efficiency.

Integrated system policy

Cipelog S.A.S has established an Integrated Policy focused primarily on delivering quality services implementing and maintaining robust controls in security management for national and international logistics, and ensuring the health and safety of its employees.  

In order to comply with this policy, the organization is committed to ensuring the availability of human, technical, technological, and financial resources to identify threats, assess and mitigate risks that may affect service quality, process safety, and the health of workers. Additionally, Cipelog S.A.S will implement best practices to achieve continuous improvement aligned with its strategic direction, thereby enhancing credibility, sustainability, and business continuity.

Objectives of the integrated system

  1. Provide timely, safe, and reliable services.
  2. To meet the expectations of customers and other stakeholders with responsibility and commitment.
  3. Comply with service requirements, legal and regulatory standards, as well as internal organizational policies, to minimize the risks of money laundering and related crimes, along with potential penalties and fines for the organization.
  4. Maintain security controls across all processes to prevent unauthorized access to company premises, breaches of physical security, and illicit activities such as money laundering and terrorist financing among all stakeholders.
  5. Engage and maintain relationships with customers, suppliers, and staff through adherence to internal selection, engagement, and evaluation procedures to ensure trustworthy partnerships.
  6. Identify, assess, control, and mitigate physical risks present in each workplace through active participation from members of the COPASST (Occupational Health and Safety Committee) to prevent accidents and occupational diseases.
  7. Promote conflict resolution among personnel through actions facilitated by the Labor Coexistence Committee.
  8. Ensure top management’s commitment to providing human, technical, technological, and financial resources for safety controls and organizational sustainability through the Integrated Management System.
  9. Ensure the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System to foster continuous improvement within the organization.

Our certifications

We guarantee quality and safety in the supply chain for all our services

About us

Cipelog, is a company created in February 2011 that has shown great development and sustainable growth over the years in the provision of handling and logistics services for international cargo transport.

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Carrera 73 No. 74 – 54
Bogotá D.C, Colombia.


+57(1) 4768000 – +57(1) 7450140


Attention schedule

Monday to Friday from 07:30 – 17:00

Miami contact

Miami headquarters

Cipelog USA LLC

1400 NW 121 AVENUE


Miami, FL 33182

Mailing address

7901 4TH ST N

STE 300

